Counting Bars Game Board
Recommended Age: 3y+

All the number bonds to 10 are all available in this set of chunky wooden blocks. Individual pieces are all exactly to scale and exist as multiples of a single square- so the 2-piece block is twice as long, the three-piece block three times as long etc. The set also has 2 sets of the number operation symbols (+, -, x, ÷ and =) plus several extra single and double component blocks. A large range of simple mathematical calculations can be carried out using the pieces such as adding, subtracting and counting. Using the single square as a calculation checker adds to the kinaesthetic learning process. The numbers appear on the front of pieces and on the rear they show the appropriate number of dots which can be counted out loud to verify that the sum total is correct.
Product Dimensions:
Size (cm): L:28 W:28 H:2
Size (inch): L:11 W:11 H:1