Curiosity Training Board
Recommended Age: 3y+

Children’s curiosity will be fueled by this wonderful learning board which has six different windows each guarded by a different opening mechanism. Cards with images on them, in the right locations can be slid into place by the teacher to set the challenge. Children will want to open the apertures to discover what is below. Cards come with different themes including animals, transport, insects, colours and shapes, all of which the children will recognize or be able to talk about to discover more. Once viewed, children will want to play a memory game too. The board will help children to develop better fine motor skills and using their natural curiosity, to go on a voyage of discovery-learning. A peep hole with an enlarging lens adds to the dexterity required and the fun of seeing the hidden image below.
Product Dimensions:
Size (cm): L:38 W:38 H:9
Size (inch): L:15 W:15 H:4