119 Piece Pipe Builders' Kit
Recommended Age: 3y+

There are two kits available which contain all the components required – a large kit with 119 pieces ME 13064 and a smaller kit with 80 pieces ME14788. Each kit contains clear rigid and flexible plastic tubing, plus a selection of fixing brackets (with screw in connectors), stop values, bends, (at 90 and 135 degrees), T connectors, a tap, pouring jugs, funnels and 5 colourful balls.
The 119 piece kit contains a larger selection of pieces and a few additional components to enable work on more complex ball systems.
Note: See individual component list beneath each kit code.
Using the Pipe Builders' Kits, children can make interesting water chutes or ball runs and fix these to any STEM WALL. They can design, plan and build various routes and then watch in amazement as they test and adjust them to make water or balls flow downwards under the force of gravity. Seeing things cascade through the crystal-clear pipework negotiating the beds and T connectors is great fun and real technology and engineering in action. Valves permit waterflow or can stop it, to see it back-up. These kits provide great opportunities for children to build, discuss and modify their designs while working in small groups.
Extra Component: Highly recommended, is a working Water Pump (ME13149) which can be purchased separately to enable the water to be pumped back to the top of the run.