Sense of Taste
Recommended Age: 3y+

Our sense of taste is explored in depth using this excellent interactive Learning Board. The tongue is the receptor for taste. The surface of our tongue contains taste buds which detect saltiness, sweetness, sourness and bitterness (and also umami which means ‘the essence of deliciousness’, in other words, is it something we wish to eat). These are shown as regions on the tongue. Children can select magnetic images of different foods and place these onto the right part of the tongue and there is also a panel where the children can divide objects into those that can be tasted and those that cannot. For example, 'Can we taste water?'. Images showing the link between the tongue and our brain and about taking care of our tongues will promote discussion and improve the children’s scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
Product Dimensions:
Size (cm): L:46 W:4 H:46
Size (inch): L:18 W:2 H:18