How are You Feeling?
Recommended Age: 3y+

The How Are You Feeling Learning Board helps children learn about facial expressions and what they tell us about a person's mood and feelings. Starting with a large face with movable parts, children can alter the eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows to make the face look angry, happy or sad. Directed by an adult, they can be encouraged to show the facial expression which best describes how they are feeling now or how they feel when they are scared, sad or feeling shy. By focusing in on emotions, the child will become self-reflective and gain a greater understanding of their positive and negative emotions. Working in groups a teacher can ask individual children to set mood meters to the right level to indicate their sadness, happiness and anger levels from 1 to 5 given a specific situation such as stroking a dog, playing, walking in the park etc. Different children will respond differently to these situations based upon their likes and dislikes. The board provides an excellent interactive way of exploring and understanding emotions.
Product Dimensions:
Size (cm): L:46 W:3 H:46
Size (inch): L:18 W:1 H:18